Saturday, June 11, 2011

Beautiful Savior

Fair is the sunshine
Fairer the moonlight
and all the stars in heaven above
Jesus shines brighter 
Jesus shines purer
and brings to all the world His love

Fair are the meadows
Fairer the woodlands
robed in the flowers of blooming spring
Jesus is

Jesus is purer 
He makes the sorrowing spirit sing

Beautiful Savior!
Lord of the nations
Son of God and Son of man
Thee will I

Praise and give glory
Give praise and glory evermore

This is one of my favorite hymns. And thanks to a concert I went to tonight, I've been thinking of it the rest of the evening.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

ring-a-ling (pictures of my PERFECT "temporary ring")

Here are some pictures of my precious temporary ring. I am completely ecstatic about this ring, but I have a real one on the way. Still I cherish this ring and its meaning. Dalin and I have very similar taste which is so lucky. I am so blessed to have found him!

12 little diamonds = our 12 future children...just playing ;)

eiffel tower. for those of you who didn't recognize it...

You would be surprised about hard this was for me...


a whole lot of wedding stuff

Well, here are the ideas my mom and I have been working with currently. Do you notice a theme?...

haha i love lemons

these pom pom flowers are so cool. haha they remind me of the clovers in Horton Hears A Who.

i like the simplicity of this cake. i would change the flowers on top, however

i love the hanging glass bottles. i am all about colored bottles

love these sleeves. so vintage-looking

such a nice, oceany idea

i think that these dresses are so sweet!

i love the buttons up the back!

i love the bicycle and her stylish heels

adorable picture....

i love her tea-length dress. haha, so precious
I guess the things I like mostly are the bright, happy colors (nice and summery as well) and the slight ocean theme. I like the idea of incorporating sea glass, antique glass bottles, and sand-dollars on the tables with flowers. I just love the ocean so much. And Dalin.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Engaged!!!!!! (May 28, 2011)

Dalin asked me! We were in Provo Canyon and he did exactly what I had wanted; kept it sweet and private. I have known that we are getting married for a while now...but it was surreal when he got down on one knee and asked me. (It made me so happy that he did that by the way! I had almost forgotten that was a tradition.) As he was making his little speech before proposing, I thought, "Wow, this is it. This is real! This is the one time this will happen to me." It went by really fast in my mind.

After climbing down from our position, we called and told our moms right away, then walked back to the main park to grab our lunches and eat overlooking the waterfall that was nearby. I felt so happy! Honestly, it didn't feel all that different between us since I had known we were getting married, but it did feel nice for it to be official. And when I say nice I mean spectacular. This was especially because I did not know what to call Dalin beforehand! I hate saying "boyfriend"-- it sounds far too temporary. But now I can say fiance and not feel silly! 

It was really a wonderful day overall. We saw three snakes and Dalin carved an arrowhead (the real way ;) which I am holding on to for display in our future home. We had a good conversation and I truly enjoyed our long walk. Dalin did just what I had requested. He is very sincere. I am so very lucky that he is mine!!!

We climbed to this spot, then he asked me to marry him :)
This is only my temporary ring, but I love it so much!

This is me...officially engaged to Dalin Brent Gunnell !!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Waiting, waiting, waiting

Much patience is required when the love of your life (life, meaning existence in this instance) asks your father if he could marry you. You know what that means...... (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I think that I have learned to be considerably more patient in the last few months...I do. Because I have not seen Dalin nearly as much as I would like to, for one. And that has been freaking hard enough. Sigh, but I am learning to cope, and I know this must be good for me. Heavenly Father knows what I need to go through, and I am using this time to improve myself before I take the next step. So maybe it is necessary. 

Absence makes the heart grow fonder ~Shakespeare 
(oh, I'm sure, Shakespeare...such a stupid excuse for an idiom)

Dalin and I have grown incredibly close because of the distance in my opinion. I certainly prefer being with him, but since we are in contact daily through multiple electronic devices, the separation is slightly more tolerable. And besides...eternity will hopefully make up for lost time ;)
Let's get married.

OH! And by the way, this is top secret until it's official. So naturally everyone in New Hampshire knows

Thursday, May 12, 2011


We love each other haha
Okay, well I am basically the worst in the universe at keeping a blog. I'm also slacking with my journal writing. I probably should get myself back on track...particularly because I am very likely getting married this August to the most wonderful man I have ever met. His name is Dalin Gunnell and he is better than anyone I could have ever imagined for myself. 

Not only is he an amazing person and example to me, but he is tannnn guapo. He is steadfast in the gospel, loving, and thoughtful, among many other things, and it is these characteristics that attract me to him the most. I want to be with him every day of eternity and I believe he wants the same. The only conflict in our way is that we are both out here in the west (although technically there is another conflict since he goes to BYU Provo), and my family (whom he has yet to meet) are out in New Hampshire. Not the end of the world, but still a small setback. If it were convenient, we might have decided to get married a little later, say November (which we had originally discussed), but now it seems that it would be too inconvenient to make such a large move and change during the middle of the semester. 

Regardless, we have both been very prayerful and we know that the Lord will watch over us. It is difficult to imagine what is in store for us, but I have never felt more sure about anything. As The Beatles would say, "We can work it out." 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Latter-day Saint (Mormon) Abbreviations (abbrevs.)

Alright. The LDS (Latter-day Saint) Church has lots of abbreviations and unique words that we use rather often. So to make my life easier (not really, because anyone who reads this will most likely already know...) here are as many as I can think of that may come up:

CTR = choose the right
RM = return missionary 
YSA = Young Single Adult
FHE = Family Home Evening
BYD = Bishop's Youth Discussion
BYC = Bishop's Youth Committee
BOM = Book of Mormon
DOG = Daughter of God
SOG = Son of God
EFY = Especially For Youth
BYU = Brigham Young University
RS = Relief Society
SS = Sunday School
WOW = Word of Wisdom
YM = Young Men
YW = Young Women

These seem so obvious to me, but perhaps this will help someone out there. 
Prophet = The President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He is not elected or voted in, but called of God. He conveys to the members of the church any modern revelation from Heavenly Father. 
Stake = A collection of wards and branches of the Church. There are 3 in New Hampshire. Concord, Nashua, and Exeter. They are each led by a Stake President, who is called of God.
Ward = Basically a name for a Mormon congregation made up of a few hundred members and led by a Bishop, who is called of God. 
Branch = This is kind of a baby ward. Some have as few as fifteen members. These are led by a Branch President, who is also called of God.
Priesthood = There is the Melchizedek and the Aaronic Priesthood. At twelve, worthy boys can receive the priesthood, and as they age and remain worthy, they are given higher Priesthood keys (which are like sacred powers) at the following age marks: 12, 16, and 18. 
Seminary = Scripture Study at 6am. LDS youth attend seminary all four years of high school and study different books of the scriptures each year, including the Book of Mormon, The Old Testament, The New Testament, and Doctrine & Covenants with the Pearl of Great Price. 
Book of Mormon = ANOTHER testament of Jesus Christ. Tells about Him visiting His other sheep in the Americas and the miracles that occurred when He did. 
Testimony = A statement of faith and knowledge regarding spiritual things in the church. For example, I know that the Church is true and that the Savior lives and loves each of us. I know He died for us that we may have the ability to repent of our sins and return to live with Him and our Heavenly Father again someday. I also know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that Joseph Smith restored the Gospel in these latter days. He is a chosen prophet of God and so is President Thomas S. Monson. 

Ok, well I could go on and on, but since most of my friends are LDS it would be unnecessary. If there IS something I forgot and someone would like to know more about, however, I'd be happy to add to this...or answer your questions. Oh and by the way, I LOVE being a Mormon.